Quick tips on Weblogic

Quick tips on Weblogic

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Very often I login to a customer site and I end up to search in document for couple things :
  • How to setup NodeManager so the customer could use Admin console for Weblogic startup
  • How to make username/password encrypted so the command line does not ask for username/password at time of startup
  • Quick and easy guideline for patching
  • How to check Weblogic version
Above items are nothing new but I thought to post details here for my quick access.This post is a quick reminder for myself which is copied from Oracle document.

To enable startup scripts and start Node Manager:

1.   Navigate to the following directory
2. MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
MW_HOME is the directory where Oracle Fusion Middleware is installed.
3.   Run the setNMProps.sh script to set the StartScriptEnabled property to true before starting Node Manager:
4. ./setNMProps.sh
This is a one-time action. After you run this script, you can skip this step before starting Node Manager again.
5.   Start Node Manager with the startNodeManager script.
UNIX script: WL_HOME/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh
Windows script: WL_HOME\server\bin\startNodeManager.cmd

To avoid username/password at startup:

To avoid prompts for a user name and password on startup after you start a Managed Server the first time, you can create a boot.properties file in the domain-home/servers/server-name/security/ directory. This file would include the following lines:

The boot.properties file will be encrypted the first time that the Managed Server is started.

Patching mechanism on Weblogic :

Basically bsu is the tool to apply the patches on Weblogic install. The following shows an example on how patch is applied and how it is verified.

To apply

copy patch to $MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir
unzip patch
remove patch zip file (rm p1......zip)
./bsu.sh -install -patch_download_dir=$MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir -patchlist=FCX7 -prod_dir=$WL_HOME
To verify
./bsu.sh -view -status=applied -prod_dir=$WL_HOME

Checking Weblogic version:

[oracle@oracle2qa bin]$ . ./setDomainEnv.sh
[oracle@oracle2qa APEXDomain]$ java weblogic.version


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